Clinical Supervision Certificate for RP
This Clinical Supervision Certificate for RP – Registered Psychotherapist online offers a comprehensive, interdisciplinary approach that makes it an excellent resource for anyone seeking certification as an Approved Clinical Supervisor for registered psychotherapist. Students will gain a thorough understanding of clinical supervision as they explore central themes from a variety of mental health professions, as well as the important topics of supervision models and modalities, administrative issues, professional concerns. It includes coverage of multicultural supervision and competence, emerging supervision models, use of technology in supervision, group work and ethics, increased attention to client outcomes, and a significant focus on supervision beyond training.
This course is ideal for anyone, offering and providing clinical supervision to: Registered Psychotherapists, Social Workers, Nurse Psychotherapists, Psychology students, or anyone working with mental health professionals providing counselling and psychotherapy therapy to the public.
Pre-Requisites: Registered Psychotherapist, Registered Nurse, Registered Social Worker, Certified Nurse Psychotherapist, Registered Occupational Therapist or any registered mental health therapists or medical professional that is registered with a regulatory body.
Course Duration: 40 Hours
This course is tax deductible, and can be used as continuous education learning.
To prepare the student with the necessary skills and knowledge to assume the role of clinical supervisor.
Students will:
1. Develop a conceptualization of the major roles and responsibilities of clinical supervision.
2. Develop knowledge of current theories, models and practices in clinical supervision.
3. Display knowledge of professional ethical principles and obligations.
4. Students will articulate a personal model of supervision developed from his or her own preferred style of psychotherapy and self-assumptive view.
- Introduction and Overview to Clinical Supervision
- Models and Theories of Supervision including; Psychodynamic, Humanistic-Relationship Oriented Supervision, and Cognitive-Behavioral.
- The Loganbill, Hardy, and Delworth Model, The Integrated Developmental Model
- The Hawkins and Shohet Model
- An Examination of Supervisory Experiences & Expectations
- Supervisory Relationship: Factors Affecting Quality Supervision including, Supervisee Engagement, Supervisee Resistance, Supervisee Attachment, Anxiety, Supervisees’ Need to Feel and Appear Competent, Supervisee Transference, Interpersonal Power, and Supervisor Countertransference
- Multicultural Supervision
- Supervisory Relationship: Process Dynamics
- Supervisory Relationship: Supervisor-Supervisee Dynamics Interview, Contract Recordkeeping, Individual Supervision, Evaluation Issues in Supervision, Methods, Structured Time, Reports, Feedback, Reflection
- Organizing and Structuring the Supervision Experience; Confidentiality, Structured Versus Unstructured, Progress Notes, Supervision Using Phone Conferencing and the Internet
- Ethical and Legal Issues in Supervision; Client Welfare and Gate-Keeping
- Individual & Group Supervision, Live Supervision, Phone-in Intervention
- Legal Issues and Ethical Issues in Practice, Risk Management, Malpractice
Students are expected to read all designated online chapters and complete all assignments.
Students will be given a research assignment that will be due at week 8. Specific instructions for this assignment will be provided at week 5, or sooner, if the student completes the other assignments.
Students will be provided feedback on the research assignment at week 10 at an agreed upon time.
Individual meetings with the instructor are available during designated office hours and by appointment. A student who misses an assignment, regardless of the reason, must inform the instructor as early as possible or risks marks being deducted.
Pass mark for this course is 70% for all segments of the course.
Upon completion of the research assignment, students are required to submit an actual supervision recording following confidentiality steps in protecting the client, as per suggested in the course
You will receive a Certificate in Clinical Supervision Certificate for Psychotherapist
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