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Platelet Rich Plasma Certificate for Joints

Platelet Rich Plasma – PRP therapy is widely publicized as a treatment for Osteoarthritis. This orthopedic PRP technique training for joints is open to medical professionals including NP’s, RN’s, and Physicians. This course is offered online and includes an onsite mentoring component. The onsite version of this course is 1 day, and the online version of this course is for 1 month only and students will be expected to come into the school at week 3 for lab practice and mentoring. As PRP injections contain up to 10 times more platelets than standard blood, it is believed that the injected material both signals the body to reduce inflammation and to begin replacing lost or damaged cartilage. PRP injections are also known to relieve the pain of osteoarthritis, reduce stiffness, and increase mobility. More people are realizing the benefit of PRP injection cost over conventional surgical procedures.

Joint InjectionSome of your patients have likely heard of PRP therapies to aid in the reduction of joint pain. Many of them want access to the therapies as an alternative option for invasive surgery and potentially addictive pain medications. PRP therapy is considered minimally invasive because needles are used for extraction and injection. Despite the use of needles, the procedures are significantly less risky when compared with surgery. The risks of both rejection and infection are near zero.

Your training in PRP therapy will show you how to harvest the PRP from a centrifuges that is health Canada approved for Joints and inject the PRP serum in large joints to provide relief from tendonitis and tears in the ligaments with the aid of a portable ultrasound device for placement that is health Canada approved. You’ll learn how to landmark areas in the large joints for needle placement.

This training includes hands-on demonstrations and mentoring that gives students an opportunity to practice the techniques before offering treatments to clients or patients.

A typical procedure begins with a standard blood draw or extraction. The extracted material is processed in a centrifuge, which separates out unwanted material. Finally, the resulting material is injected into the site of injury in very specific locations.

Whether you are looking to expand your practice, or you are just interested in giving your patients an alternative to surgery and pain medications, our orthopedics training courses are what you’re looking for. Contact us today to learn how to sign up for the next available session.

This course is offered online hybrid where you will be able to access injection techniques, research, and protocols from leaders in the industry.

Mentorship service is available in injecting.